function get(name){ if(name=(new RegExp('[?&]'+encodeURIComponent(name)+'=([^&]*)')).exec( return decodeURIComponent(name[1]); } function selectList(type) { var element = document.getElementById(type); if (element == undefined) bootbox.alert("no element"); var option = element.options[element.selectedIndex]; if (option == undefined) return; var value = option.value; var avail = document.getElementById(type+"available"); var item = items[type+":"+value]; if (item == undefined) { bootbox.alert("no item called "+value); } avail.innerHTML = item.quantity; //alert("selected = "+value); //var itemElements = document.getElementsByClassName("") } function hideType(type) { var items = document.getElementsByClassName("item_"+type); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var options = jQuery('select > option',items[i]); if (options.length === 0) jQuery(items[i]).hide(); // alert("options"+options.length); } } function updateItem(name,type,toggleHidden) { var newtype = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find(".type").val(); var quantity = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find(".quantity").val(); var description = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find(".description").val(); var hiddenText = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find(".tohide").val(); var hidden = false; if (hiddenText == "Show") { hidden = true; } else if (hiddenText == "Hide") { hidden = false; } var nameElement = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find(".name"); var hideElement = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find(".tohide"); hideElement.disabled = true; if (toggleHidden != undefined) { hidden = !hidden; // toggle hidden quantity = -1; } jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/update", data: { name: name, type: type, quantity: quantity, description: description, newtype: newtype, hidden: hidden }, success: function() { if (toggleHidden == undefined) { bootbox.alert("Update successful", function () { //location.reload(); }); } else { nameElement.removeClass("hiddenItem"); nameElement.removeClass("showItem"); if (hidden) { nameElement.addClass("hiddenItem"); hideElement.attr("value","Show") } else { nameElement.addClass("showItem"); hideElement.attr("value","Hide") } hideElement.disabled = false; } }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to update name="+name+" type="+type+" to quantity="+quantity+" FAILED",function () { location.reload(); }); } }); } function goLive() { bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to Go Live?", function(result) { if (result) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/golive", data: {}, success: function () { bootbox.alert("Go Live Successful", function () { location.reload(); }); }, error: function () { bootbox.alert("FAILED to go live", function () { location.reload(); }); } }); } }); } function hideAll() { bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to Hide All?", function(result) { if (result) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/hideall", data: {}, success: function () { bootbox.alert("Hide All Successful", function () { location.reload(); }); }, error: function () { bootbox.alert("FAILED to hide all", function () { location.reload(); }); } }); } }); } function clearCache() { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/clearcache", data: {}, success: function () { bootbox.alert("Clear cache Successful", function () { }); }, error: function () { bootbox.alert("FAILED to clear cache shop", function () { }); } }); } function closeShop() { bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to close the shop?", function(result) { if (result) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/closeshop", data: {}, success: function () { bootbox.alert("Close Shop Successful", function () { location.reload(); }); }, error: function () { bootbox.alert("FAILED to close shop", function () { location.reload(); }); } }); } }); } function openShop() { bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to open the shop?", function(result) { if (result) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/openshop", data: {}, success: function () { bootbox.alert("Open Shop Successful", function () { location.reload(); }); }, error: function () { bootbox.alert("FAILED to open shop", function () { location.reload(); }); } }); } }); } function deleteItem(name,type) { var password = jQuery("input#password").val(); bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete name: "+name+" type: "+type+" ?", function(result) { if (result) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/item/delete", data: { name: name, type: type, password: password }, success: function () { bootbox.alert("Deleted name=" + name + " type=" + type + " successfully", function () { location.reload(); }); }, error: function () { bootbox.alert("FAILED to delete name=" + name + " type=" + type + " FAILED",function () { location.reload(); }); } }); } }); } function createItem() { var password = jQuery("input#password").val(); var name = jQuery("#createname").val(); var type = jQuery("#createtype").val(); var quantity = jQuery("#createquantity").val(); var price = jQuery("#createprice").val(); var description = jQuery("#createdescription").val(); jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/create", data: { name: name, type: type, quantity: quantity, price: price, description: description, password: password, hidden: 'true' }, success: function() { bootbox.alert("Create name="+name+" type="+type+" to quantity="+quantity+" successfully", function () { jQuery.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "/store/list_item", data: { name: name, type: type, quantity: quantity, price: price, description: description, password: password, hidden: 'true' }, success: function(result) { jQuery(".table tr:nth-child(2)").after(result); jQuery("#createname").val(''); jQuery("#createdescription").val(''); }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to create name="+name+" type="+type+" to quantity="+quantity+" it may already exist",function () { location.reload(); }); } }); jQuery(".table"); }); }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to create name="+name+" type="+type+" to quantity="+quantity+" it may already exist",function () { location.reload(); }); } }); } function store_checkout() { var answer = confirm("Are you sure you wish to checkout now?"); var test = true; if (answer == false) return; if( simpleCart.quantity === 0 ){ error("Cart is empty"); return; } storeCart("checkoutClicked","yes",300); window.location = "/reserve.html"; } function store_checkout2() { var answer = confirm("Are you sure you wish to checkout now?"); var test = true; if (answer == false) return; if( simpleCart.quantity === 0 ){ error("Cart is empty"); return; } storeCart("checkoutClicked","yes",300); window.location = "/reserve2.html"; } function storeInvokeCheckout() { if (readCart('checkoutClicked') == "yes") { storeCart('checkoutClicked',"no",300); isOpen(function(result) { if (result == 'false') { bootbox.alert("The shop is currently closed, please check back later.", function () { window.location = "/checkout2.html"; }); } else { simpleCart.checkout(failureCheckout); } }); } else { window.location = "/checkout2.html"; } } function storeInvokeCheckout2() { if (readCart('checkoutClicked') == "yes") { storeCart('checkoutClicked',"no",300); isOpen(function(result) { if (result == 'false') { bootbox.alert("The shop is currently closed, please check back later.", function () { window.location = "/checkout2.html"; }); } else { simpleCart.checkout2(failureCheckout2); } }); } else { window.location = "/checkout2.html"; } } function isOpen(callback) { var isOpen = true; jQuery.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "/store/options/get", data: { name: 'isOpen', default: 'true' }, success: function(result) { isOpen = result; }, error: function() { isOpen = false; bootbox.alert("FAILED to find out if the shop is open"); } }) .done(function() { callback(isOpen); }); } function failureCheckout(message) { bootbox.alert("Not enough stock available:
Click OK to return to checkout.", function () { window.location = "/checkout2.html"; } ) } function failureCheckout2(message) { bootbox.alert("Not enough stock available:
Click OK to return to checkout.", function () { window.location = "/checkout2.html"; } ) } function showDescription(isSelected, index, id) { var link = this; var type = jQuery(this).parent().children().eq(0).text(); var optionElement = jQuery(this).parent().children().eq(5).children().eq(0)[0]; var option; if (isSelected) { option = optionElement.options[optionElement.selectedIndex].value; index = optionElement.selectedIndex; } else { if (index >= optionElement.options.length) index = 0; if (index < 0) index = optionElement.options.length - 1; optionElement.selectedIndex = index; option = optionElement.options[index].value; } var addButton = jQuery(this).parent().find(".item_add"); //var option = jQuery(this).parent().parent().children().eq(5).children().eq(1).val(); var shortType = typemap[type].name; jQuery.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "/store/get_item", data: { name: option, type: shortType }, dataType: "json", success: function(result) { var itemDesc = result.description; if (itemDesc == undefined) itemDesc = ""; if (itemDesc.length == 0) itemDesc = "Description coming soon.."; var message = '



'; if (result.img !== undefined && result.img != null && result.img.length > 0 && result.img != 'null') { var img = '
'; img += '
Image is for illustrative purposes only
'; message += img; } bootbox.dialog({ title: '


', message: message, buttons: { addToCart: { label: 'Add To Cart', className: 'btn-success', callback: function() { addButton[0].click(); //bootbox.alert("Success", function() { //}); } }, next: { label: 'Next', className: 'btn-next', callback: function() {,false,index + 1, id); //bootbox.alert("Success", function() { //}); } }, previous: { label: 'Previous', className: 'btn-previous', callback: function() {,false,index - 1, id); //bootbox.alert("Success", function() { //}); } }, close: { label: "Close", className: 'btn-close', callback: function() { //bootbox.alert("Close", function () { //}); } } } }); }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to edit item",function () { location.reload(); }); } }) } function releaseOrder(orderId) { bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to release the order?", function(result) { if (result) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/order/release", data: { orderId: orderId }, success: function (result) { bootbox.alert("Order " + orderId + " released successfully", function () { location.reload(); }); }, error: function () { bootbox.alert("FAILED to release order", function () { location.reload(); }); } }) } }); } function editItem(name,type) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "/store/get_item", data: { name: name, type: type }, dataType: "json", success: function(result) { if (result.img == undefined) result.img = ""; bootbox.dialog({ title: '

Edit Item

', message: '

Name: ''

' + '

Type: '+result.type+'

'+ '

Quantity: '+result.quantity+'

'+ '


'+ '


', buttons: { update: { label: 'Update', className: 'btn-success', callback: function() { description = jQuery("#editDescription").val(); image = jQuery("#editImage").val(); updateFields(,result.type,description,image); //bootbox.alert("Success", function() { //}); } }, close: { label: "Close", className: 'btn-close', callback: function() { //bootbox.alert("Close", function () { //}); } } } }) }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to edit item",function () { location.reload(); }); } }); } function updateFields(name,type,description,image) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "update_fields", data: { name: name, type: type, description: description, image: image }, success: function(result) { //alert("result="+result); } }); } function are_cookies_enabled() { var cookieEnabled = (navigator.cookieEnabled) ? true : false; if (typeof navigator.cookieEnabled == "undefined" && !cookieEnabled) { document.cookie="testcookie"; cookieEnabled = (document.cookie.indexOf("testcookie") != -1) ? true : false; } return (cookieEnabled); } function hideItem(name, type) {,name,type,true); } function show_item(name) { var spinner = new Spinner().spin(); jQuery("#spinner").append(spinner.el); jQuery.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "/store/list_table", data: { name: name }, success: function(result) { jQuery("#item").children().remove(); jQuery("#item").append(result); }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to edit item",function () { //location.reload(); }); } }); } var guid = (function() { function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) .toString(16) .substring(1); } return function() { return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); }; })(); var archive = function (password) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/archive", data: { password: password }, success: function(result) { bootbox.alert("Orders archived.",function () { //location.reload(); }); }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to archive orders",function () { //location.reload(); }); } }); }; clear_txn = function (password) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/order/clear_txn", data: { password: password }, success: function(result) { bootbox.alert("Txns cleared.",function () { //location.reload(); }); }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to clear txns",function () { //location.reload(); }); } }); } var unarchive = function (password) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/store/unarchive", data: { password: password }, success: function(result) { bootbox.alert("Orders unarchived.",function () { //location.reload(); }); }, error: function() { bootbox.alert("FAILED to archive orders",function () { //location.reload(); }); } }); };